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7.0 Earthqake

Port Au Prince, Haiti

January 12, 2010

On January 12, 2010 a 7.0 earthquake shook the island of Hispaniola with its epicenter located in the 15 WSW of Port Au Prince Haiti.  The origin of this earthquake was shallow with a depth of 13 km (8.1 miles).   It became immediately apparent that the capital city of Port Au Prince and its surrounding communities had been all but leveled.  His Glory S.R.A.T.’s Special Investigative unit immediately began attempting to contact the Haitian government to offer our International trained search and rescue and medical personnel. When it became clear that the government inside the disaster area had been devastated by the earthquake our S.I.S. division put out multiple communications to the Haitian consulates within the United States.  Once it had been determined that the government of Haiti was unable to respond to devastation in Haiti, preparations began to send our Director to the disaster site to assist with search and rescue and provide onsite intelligence of the area and what other services the nation of Haiti would be needing in the days and weeks following the earthquake. 

Upon arrival in Haiti the director immediately began working with other international urban search and rescue teams searching for victims buried deep under the debris.  Long hours in dangerous piles of rubble made for multiple amazing rescues, but also confirmed that many had perished during the earthquake.  It also became very clear that many more would perish if immediate large scale assist was not sent and effectively coordinated.  Our worst fears were realized when aid began to arrive at the Port Au Prince airport but little coordination was being done to get those supplies out to the teams in the disaster area.  Major bottle necks of supplies and aircraft began to pile up while other more life critical supplies and teams were unable to land.  



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Port Au Prince, Haiti Earthquake 2010

Wednesday, January 20, 2010 Mission Conclusion

On Wedneday, Director Havard returned from Haiti exhausted but blessed by those he worked with and those he saw working so hard to save lives in Haiti.  Of those he met Lynne Wagner, RN from Rose Medical Center in Denver, Colorado had the most compelling mesaage.

Photobucket - His Glory S.R.A.T. Haiti 2010 Video

It was than we knew even if we could not send another "team" to Haiti we were going to get this nursing and the

Centre Hospitalier du Sacre-Coeur cdti in Port Au Prince

the supplies they needed to save lives.

Once back in the United State the Director made a direct please for donations on

KTRE-9 (abc)

Supporters and friends answered the call by donation

$1,700 which will be sent to

The Crudem Foundation

for life saving supplies, equipment and personnel.

On behalf of our Director Randall Havard and our entire organization

I would like to thank you all for your prayers and support during this disaster.

End of Report

Jennifer Havlick

International Office Coordinator

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