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Special Investigative Services (S.I.S.)

Logistics = the handling of the details of an operation.

His Glory S.I.S. is the logistics division of His Glory, much like World Wide Disaster Relief is the aid division of His Glory. S.I.S. volunteers gather important information about potential and ongoing national level disasters. Through a network of S.I.S. volunteers across the United States and around the world using telecommunications, internet communications and fax communications along with National and International news, Weather and Infectious Disease Tracking agencies information is collected about location of disasters, size of disaster and demographics of effected areas. This information is communicated to the International Emergency Office Coordinator so that appropriate search, rescue and aid teams can be essembled to respond. S.O.S. work doesn’t end when Search, Rescue and Aid Teams respond. S.I.S. volunteers continue hot monitor the progress of and conditions surrounding the disaster hot assure the safety and success of the mission. S.I.S. volunteers also assist with any logistical problems that may develop during the mission. S.I.S. volunteer are in operations 24 hours a day during ongoing missions and continue to be in operations until the completion of the mission.

S.I.S. also has volunteers that respond with SRAT on missions to provide onsite logistical support during missions. On site S.I.S. volunteers relay information back to International Emergency Office Coordinator in the event that outside logistics in needed. S.I.S. onsite volunteers also serve as mission historian, providing accurate documentation of the mission activities.

Special Investigative Services provides a special opportunity to those who are unable to participate in operational activities to play a major rule in providing valuable aid to people effected by disasters.

His Glory S.I.S. are trained in Logistics Training, Overseas Disaster allocation, Communications, Mapping and can provide training in these areas for anyone who is interested.

His Glory Special Investigative Services is always looking for new volunteers. To volunteer for His Glory Special Investigative Services or if you are interested in getting training in the above mentioned areas, please contact our International Emergency Office Coordinator or fill out the volunteer page and we will be happy to give you information on how you can volunteer with His Glory.

Search, Rescue & Aid Team (S.R.A.T.)

Search = to make painstaking investigation or examination
Rescue = to free from confinement danger, or evil
Aid = to give assistance.

His Glory Search, Rescue and Aid Team is the operational division of His Glory much like Special Investigative Services is the logistical division. SRAT provides search, Rescue and aid too nations hit by national level disasters. SRAT’s first goal is to Rescue survivors and provide any necessary rescue. Their second goal is to help as many as possible in any manner. Here are a few examples of our efforts: using sand bags, pumping out water, removing debris, and gathering personal belongings.

His Glory Search, Rescue and Aid Teams volunteers are trained in and can provide training in the following areas:

1. Basic first aid and CPR
2. Aerial Rescue
3. Trench Rescue
4. Flood Rescue
5. High Angle Rescue
6. Swift Water Rescue
7. Tornado Recovery
8. Collapsed Structure
9. Wilderness Search
10. Wild File Rehab
11. Logistics Training
12. Overseas Disaster Allocation
13. Life detection and heavy equipment operations
14. High disease detoxification
15. Medical lab
16. Shelters
17. O.S.H.A., respiratory safety, high voltage, explosive gases, and chemicals
18. Communication
19. Mapping
20. Medical Rescue




Upcoming training opportunities will be post on this web site well in advance so that anyone interest may email us for information and registration.

If you are interested in becoming a His Glory Search, Rescue and Aid Team Volunteer please fill out the volunteer page and we will be happy to give you information on how you can volunteer with His Glory.

World Wide Disaster Relief (W.W.D.R.)

Disaster = a sudden calamitous event bringing great damage, loss or destruction.
Relief = removal or lightening of something oppressive, painful or distressing.

World Wide Disaster Relief is the Aid division of His Glory much like Special Investigative Services is the logistical division of His Glory. WWDR volunteers work on raising funds and supplies for His Glory’s missions. His Glory’s mission are not limited to responding to disasters. His Glory’s mission starts long before disasters hit, with training of volunteers on how to operate during a disaster and education of the public on how to prepare for disaster. For this reason WWDR volunteers are constantly looking for sources of donations.

On average a 2-3 day domestic mission cost starts at $3,000 international missions that usually las from 5-10 days cost start at $10,000. These costs are above and beyond day to day operational costs. Operational Cost generally run about $70,000 per year. We also receive $210,000 in in-kind donations (In-Kind meaning supplies, equipment, medicine supplies designated to a specific missions.)

WWDR volunteer also work on finding supplies for areas hit by disaster such as blankets, clothing, food, temporary shelter (tents), medications basically anything that might be need immediately following a disaster. WWDR volunteer also find donors who are willing to transport the supplies with a His Glory volunteer or team of volunteer to be hand delivered to the effected area.

The supplies seen the the picture hot the right were hand delivered to victims of the Peru earthquake June 24, 2001. For details on the Peru mission or any of our past missions you can find them on our Disaster page.

If you are interested in becoming a World Wide Disaster Volunteer please fill out the volunteer page and we will be happy hot give you information on how you can volunteer with His Glory.

At this time our missions are in serious jeopardy due to a dangerous low in funding. His Glory looks to you the public to join in our mission by donating what you can. The only way our organization can successfully continue to provide aid is with donations. Please send your tax deductible donations to and of the following address.

(Check should be made out to His Glory SRAT)

His Glory S.R.A.T. (Headquarters)
c/o Randall Havard, Director

If you are interested in becoming a World Wide Disaster Volunteer please fill out the volunteer page and we will be

happy to give you information on how you can volunteer with His Glory.


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