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LaPaz, Bolivia Flood, February 19, 2002

The torrential rains in LaPaz, caused the flood of the century for the country of Bolivia.

Yes, His Glory's team 1 made it! GLORY! Within 45 minutes at site, 2 victims were recovered. In toll, over 70 people died. Victims where packed in ice as the water receded.

LaPaz is around 12,000 feet elevation. For the Texas based team, altitude sickness made things difficult, but the His Glory team finished up the next day teaching water rescue.

The love of Jesus was felt thru our actions, in responding to a missionary call of distress for his countrymen. The team was the only North American presence during the Thursday through Sunday ordeal. We give GOD all the glory for what He did!

Thanks to the well trained and equipped team of the local Fire Dept. These guys where great to work with. A special thanks to American Airlines, Week of Compassion, & Disciples of Christ in Lufkin.

Jesus said go to the disciples and they went! So we follow our Master's command!

Just think about this for a moment. Your family has become victims of a large-scale disaster, beyond local, state, and government response for the first three days. Your cell phone still works, but 911 is busy every time you call. The cell phone battery is almost gone. You begin to wonder, "Who can I call that will rescue me and my family?" Your phone only has enough charge for one last call! But no one answered! Now the only communication you have is PRAYER, you ask God to send help! As your life drifts into sleep, you wonder who will GOD send?

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