Hurricane Katrina
On September 17th Team N. Carolina worked all week to clean up and establish base camp in Bay St. Louis Mississippi. This base camp will be used as a rehabilitation location for teams working in the Hurricane Katrina Disaster area of Harrison County Mississippi. Team N. Carolina will rotate team members for the 4 weeks at base camp. Team N. Carolina will be going out into the Harrison County area to offer cleaning assistance to resident devastated by Hurricane Katrina. Most of Team N. Carolina is comprised of employees from the Bank of America. Team N. Carolina is did an assume job to help those who so desperately need assistance. Assume dedication by team N. Carolina this is what His Glory Search, Rescue and Aid Team Volunteers are all about. Well Done!
The all call that we put out for volunteers for our Hurricane Katrina response generated responses from accross the nation. Several teams are about to redeploy, thanks to a donation of $2,600 from His Glory Home Repair.
Friday, August 26, 2005 - His Glory S.R.A.T’s Emergency Office Coordinator after phone conference with the Director of Operations puts all His Glory S.R.A.T. Homeland Rescue Operations Teams on Alert to respond to area were Hurricane Katrina makes landfall. Teams begin to call in with team member status and equipment availability. The following teams were on Alert Status; Sprint Team Clear Lake TX, Team Beaumont TX, Team Lufkin TX, Medical Team Webster TX, Team Orange TX, Team New York in addition to Our International Teams of Canada and the Philippines.
Sunday, August 28, 2005 - In advance of Hurricane Katrina’s arrival Team LePlace, Louisiana began assisting local ship owners in security their vessels. Monday, August 29, 2005 at 8:00 a.m. - His Glory S.R.A.T. Office of Emergency Coordination dispatched the Clear Lake Search and Rescue Sprint Team to Louisiana. The team immediately responded from Clear Lake Texas in the direction of New Orleans Louisiana. While enroute to New Orleans the team came across a stranded family from Mobile Alabama on Interstate 10 who had run out of gasoline food and water in attempt to out run the hurricane. The team stopped picked up the family transported them to Baton Rouge to get gasoline feed the family and returned them to their vehicle so they could continue out of the area.
Monday, August 29, 2005 - After assisting the family from Interstate 10 the Clear Lake Sprint Team continued on through Slidell Louisiana and Bush Louisiana providing recon on the way to Gulfport Louisiana.
Tuesday, August 30, 2005 - Lake Clear Sprint Team arrived in Gulfport Louisiana and began to provide search and rescue in the area along with gathering intelligence on the Gulfport Disaster Area. Tuesday, August 30, 2005 at 9:00 a.m. - Team Clear Lake met with area emergency management and forward the intelligence gathered that morning. Team Clear Lake accepted and successfully completed all tasked given to them by local emergency management. Once those their tasked were completed the team started toward New Orleans to meet up with Team Beaumont Texas and Team LaPlace Louisiana. Tuesday, August 30, 2005 at 2:00 p.m. - Left the Gulfport Area and responded to New Orleans Louisiana to meet up the Team Beaumont met up with Team Clear Lake and Team LePlace Louisiana in New Orleans to begin search and rescue via boat. Removing survivors from roof tops and other areas were they had fled from contaminated flood water.
Over 300 People Rescue In New Orleans
Tuesday, August 30, 2005 – Thursday, September 1, 2005 Team LaPlace Louisiana and Team Beaumont and Team ClearLake remained in New Orleans providing search and rescue via boat. Thursday, September 1, 2005 - Sprint Team Clear Lake returned to Clear Lake Texas for short rehabilitation and supplies.
Thursday, September 1, 2005 - Team Beaumont was the last search and rescue team to leave the Veteran Blvd. area of New Orleans Team New York arrived in Biloxi and remain there as of the completion of this report. Friday, September 2, 2005 - After a short rehabilitation Team Clear Lake began its daily re-supply trips from Clear Lake Texas into Biloxi and Ocean Springs to re-supply search and rescue teams and area churches being used as shelter. These daily re-supply trips continued through September 10, 2005. Friday, September 2nd and Saturday September 3, 2005 - Team Beaumont in conjunction with FEMA and Hancock Country Mississippi began search, rescue and recon using hand held Global Positioning System. Sunday, September 4, 2005 - Team Beaumont using boat from Hancock County begin search, rescue and recovery up the Jordan River where Coast Guard vessels were to big to travel. Monday, September 5, 2005 - “LABOR DAY” ALL TEAMS REHABILITATED Tuesday, September 6, 2005 - Thanks to a combination of donation totaling $6,000 the LaPlace Louisiana was redeployed to continue with search and rescue in New Orleans. Team East Texas was deployed along with Team Canada. Wednesday, September 7, 2005 - Team Canada arrived at Houston International Airport to be immediately deployed to Harrison County Mississippi area for search and Medical rescue and GPS recon. Team arrived in Harrison County Mississippi Midnight. Thursday, September 8, 2005 and Friday, September 9th - Team Canada worked with Army medics and Navy medical corps providing much need medical attention to those in the remote areas of Harrison County.
Saturday, September 10, 2005 - Team Canada along with Army medics and Navy medical corps performed wilderness Medical Recon in the remote areas of Harrison and Stone county Mississippi. Late that afternoon Team Canada met up with Team Ohio and Iowa and escorted them into Bay St. Louis on 2nd Ave. to re-supply team and Red Cross Warehouse. At that time Team Canada also replaced Red Cross medics due to lateness of the day they continued to treat walk-ins to later that evening. Team Ohio continued on to McHenry Mississippi to provide ministerial training for personnel to assist hurricane survivors. Team Iowa returned home to Iowa.
Sunday, September 11, 2005 - Team Canada returned to Houston Texas to return home to Canada.
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