Texas & Louisiana, Hurricane Lili October 2002 His Glory SRAT put both Texas and Louisana teams on alert on Oct 1, 2002 when Hurricane Lili, a Category 4 hurricane, was exspected to make landfall some where along the Texas or Louisiana coastline. Teams prepared equipment and were standing by to Hurricane Lili where and when it made landfall. On Oct. 2nd when Hurricane Lili was exspected to make landfall the next morning His Glory SRAT assisted in evacuating residents in Galveston Texas and Layfette Louisiana. When Hurricane Lili made landfall on the morning of Oct. 3, 2002 as a Category 2 hurricane after it was downgraded from a Category 4. His Glory Search Rescue and Aid Teams in both Texas and Louisiana continued to assist with evacuations and help with any search and rescue needs. The Teams assisted in the evacuation of residents in Galveston Texas and Layefette Louisiana. The Team was also able to rescue one man who was nearly blown off a bridge while he walking down Interstate 10, west of Lake Charles, Louisiana. The team dried the man off and his clothes off and transport him to a shelter in Lake Charles, Louisiana. (GOD and His Glory SRAT – (1) -- Devil - ( 0) At 4:00 pm CDT: Teams returned to their primary areas after more than 36 hours on mission . His Glory SRAT Special Investigative Services continued to passively monitor weather conditions being created by tropical storm Lili and continued to do so until all chances of dangerous weather had passed. Special thanks to Lee Ringer of KTRE – 9 news Lufkin for providing indepth Hurricane information, Lake Charles Fire Department Engine Company 3 for use of there firehouse for teams shelter and Meteorologist Phil Johnson Hurricane updates and tracking and News Anchor Scott McLinden Of. KDLH News 3 in Two Harbors, MN for helping to get His Glory SRAT Mission information out to the Northland of Minnesota.. Funding to met the cost of this mission are still very
much needed. Your donations will allow His Glory SRAT to continue to
respond when we are needed the most. Donations can be made by mail to any of the locations
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