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Lake Livingston TX, USA Tornado, January 1999


This picture was taken that evening. We are not sure what this was that appeared after the tornado left the sky.

In Lake Livingston, besides the electric company, we where the only group that showed up. We checked houses for the injured, and then began a chain saw crew to open up the roads. The power company could not believe we where volunteers! GOD does that. He just fills people hearts with his love!! Since this knowledge, we communicate with hundreds of weather service, SkyWarn, power companies, police, fire, and sheriffs departments, emergency state agencies, and local radio and TV stations, educating them of the commandment! Remember who is your neighbor? To God everyone on this planet applies!!! In just over 4 years, His GLORY has grown to have teams now in Arkansas, Canada, Texas, Honduras, Venezuela, El Salvador, Colombia, Taiwan, and Belize! That's not bad for a bunch of normal everyday volunteers! Just give GOD the glory!




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