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Wilmington, NC, USA, Hurricane Bonnie, September 1998

Hurricane Bonnie was a stretch financially for us. The 18 hour drive, then being told by emergency services that we where not needed, it was hard to keep going, yet God still told us to go! When emergency services tell us no help is needed after a class 3 to 5 disaster, we go any way! There were thousands that still needed help, need to be lifted up, given hope, and shown the love of Jesus.

This was educational for us. We worked with all we had, and assisted the power crews afterward, but funds ran out the next morning. The locals where hurting and we were not financially prepared for it.

There was one report of a suicide that was stopped when the young girl asked GOD to sent her a sign if he wanted to her to live. At that moment, the rescue truck drove by with the 13 inch HIGH glow in the dark HIS GLORY SEARCH, RESCUE & AID TEAM on the sides. She stopped the suicide!!!!! GLORY!!!!!!

That night, we drove back after being up for some 26 hours. The truckers on the interstate heard what we had done. Giving God the glory, they began honking at us all night to keep us awake. Even after 4 years, those truckers still honk at the rescue truck.



Thanks to the City of Chesapeake for the above 4 pictures.





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